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Capture Management Program



Learn to sell to government agencies by becoming a Certified Capture Manager.

Who is the CCM program for?

  • Small business owners who want to learn to sell to government agencies
  • Sales professionals expanding their careers in the B2G industry
  • Large companies, enrolling their sales team into the CCM program
  • Consultants seeking more clients by equipping their capture skills
  • Anyone looking to gain 3 years of government contracting knowledge in 14 weeks


Capture management is sales and business development in the government marketplace. It is the process of creating a plan, managing a team of professionals, and executing win strategies to capture opportunities with long sales cycles.


The role of the Capture Manager is to lead the sales and capture management plans of the company to grow revenue, capture new clients, and close deals in the government sector. The capture manager creates a capture plan, sources out the opportunities, qualifies the opportunities, evaluates the likelihood of success, develops a win strategy, supports the marketing team, engages key teaming partners, fosters winning relationships, facilitates the proposal strategy, guides the development of the pricing strategy, closes the deal, and turns the win to the fulfillment team to perform on the contract.

What is the CCM™ Certification?

The Certified Capture Manager (CCM™) Program is a professional designation assigned to individuals who have successfully completed a rigorous training curriculum, have certain years of experience and can proficiently pass the CMBOK exam.

How can I enroll in the CCM Training Program?

Classes are forming on a regular basis. The cohort is usually comprised of 4 to 12 students. To enroll, go to this site to get started.


How Much Time Should I Plan For?

  • Altogether, set aside about 6 to 10 hours each week.
  • Class time: Each Lesson lasts between 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on what is covered.
  • Study Group: You are also required to be in a study group to review, discuss, or/and do class assignments, which can take about 2 hours.
  • Home Assignments: Each week, you will have about 2 hours of assigned homework.

I’m Not Local to Your Office, Can I Enroll For Remote Learning?

Yes, you can attend virtually for the Lessons. All Lessons are done live, via online sessions, and recorded for review purposes.

What is included in the CCM Training Program?

  • 14 weeks of training
  • GCBOK/CMBOK - GovFastTrack.com software
  • GovLMS.org - Learning Management System
  • Practice Test Portal
  • 2 Day Bootcamp
  • GCBOK Exam
  • CCM Professional Designation

How Much Does the CCM Training Program Cost?

The full program is $10,000 for non-member and $6,000 for members. Enroll here:

Where Can I Get More Information on the CCM Program?

LEARN MORE: www.CaptureManagement.org

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